Friday 9 March 2012

Research Film Distribution: FDA

The Distributors challenge is to bring each one to market, starting from scratch and realising its potential

How do Distributors work? Step by Step Process 

  • Someone has an idea for a movie.
  • They create an outline and use it to promote interest in the idea.
  • A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights to the film.
  • People are brought together to make the film (screenwriter, producer, director, cast, crew).
  • The film is completed and sent to the studio.
  • The studio makes a licensing agreement with a distribution company.
  • The distribution company determines how many copies of the film to make.
  • The distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buyers representing the theaters.
  • The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on which movies they wish to lease and the terms of the lease agreement.
  • The prints are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day.
  • The theater shows the movie for a specified number of weeks.
  • You buy a ticket and watch the movie.
  • At the end of the engagement, the theater sends the print back to the distribution company and makes payment on the lease agreement.

As a group we then focused on the group: and watched two video presentations by industry insiders:
The first video was Stuart Williams on how a distributor approaches the realease of a film, which is vital to what our movie the Black Rose is trying to achieve. He focuses on Target Audiences, and how to campaign towards them and attract their attention.
He also touches on the films budget, as Black Rose is a low budget film it works well to be distributed by Metrodome.

The Second Video is Hugh Grumbar who discusses on why being clear on who your target audience is really matters and can influence the success of your film. By pinpointing who the target audience of your film will be, means potentially higher demand in that market.